Belgian by birth, geek by the grace of heaven. Knightwise is the star of the KnightCast. He's just a regular guy, working IT in Belgium. He has a nice mix of practicality and cleverness in the topics he covers. His mantra is "Make technology work for you.". And with a combination of audio, video and screencasts he covers his material pretty well, using real world examples (usually in his own home) and showing step-by-step next to the the rationale of the tech he is covering.
Knightwise is very engaged with his audience, appreciates and responds to feedback directly. He is human, and has slumps where real life interupts his podcasting from time to time. But I find that when he releases his podcast it's about an hour of real, practical howto and very informative.
I would strongly recommend this podcast for anyone who prefers the conversation to be about Linux or Mac. He usually does his Ubuntu work or server setup in virtual machines running on Mac hardware. With his funny little belgian accent, he's enjoyable to listen to and talks about what he knows. If you are a windows fan, you may not find this podcast has much (if anything) of interest to you.
1 comment:
I've been a KnightCast listener for quite some time and I second everything said. Knightwise is an awesome geek and an incredibly engaging host.
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