Well, that IS what these guys are. It is that raw geek banter with a spattering of technologies. If my blog reader were the kind of person who missed any peers with which it geek socially, I would recommend that he listen to this podcast in place of real friends. Especially the friends that you would see once a week and only for about a half hour.
I find this podcast to be a pleasant social and comical interaction with the spice of tech which only geeks share. These sound very much like guys you might want to hang out with during your lunch break.
While having shared concerns of being taken off the air since there is no official sponsor of the show (as most of the other CNET podcasts have). I would blame this on their reckless use of language and typically politically incorrect banter. I would not be honest if that was not one of the reasons that I like the show so much. I find these guys talk the way that real guys talk to each other. I do hope this show is with us for much time to come.
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