Thursday, October 1, 2009

Backtrack 4 - Wowzers

Hackers, probably yes.  More ominous than a university student using a "Green text on black window" as evidence of a hacker, is Backtrack 4.

I have played with the pre-release version of this security based Linux distribution.  With huge core changes like the distribution base changing to Ubuntu make this the first security distro that is actually useful as a day-to-day system for me.

I used this distro for only an hour before I was completely floored by the supreme set of security audit tools that come included.  Impressed even more by the way these apps are launched and just work.  With Ubuntu being my day-to-day distro this means that the system is not only useful for the moment that I need to test security, but could quite simply be one of the best all around distributions for me to use.

Backtrack 4 was a real eye-opener for me and if only it could be based on the most current version of Ubuntu it would be dreamy for me.  For sure I'll be keeping a usb key and a virtual machine around of Backtrack 4.  If you are just learning security (like artv61) or just curious or maybe need to prove a point to a window's user, this is an amazing tool.  Two thumbs up from the CafeNinja Cave.  Please go to and read more.  At the very least grab a 2Gb USB key and install Backtrack 4 on it.  They have a fabulous video tutorial on how to make a persistent USB install that works, I can attest to that.

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